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Our Students

●      Students are expected to behave respectfully during assemblies, following the instructions of staff and presenters.
Activities Programs
●      Participation in extracurricular activities requires adherence to school rules and academic eligibility.
●      Students are expected to bring a backpack to school daily to carry books, supplies, and other necessary items.
●      Keep backpacks clean and free from any prohibited items such as toys, electronics, or other non-essential objects.
●      Free breakfast and lunch are served daily. Menus are available on the district website.
●      All students are eligible for free breakfast and lunch according to federal guidelines.
●      Students who stay after school may receive dinner as well.
Cell Phones
●      Students must keep cell phones in their backpacks and turn them off during the school day. Phones may be turned on after leaving campus.
●      Use of cell phones during school hours is prohibited. Violations will result in confiscation, and parents will need to pick up the phones from the front office. Disciplinary consequences may also apply.
Dress Code
Students' attire should contribute to a safe and appropriate learning environment. The following guidelines must be adhered to:
●      Shoes: Must be worn at all times. Backless shoes, slippers, slides, heels over 2 inches, and shoes with spikes are not allowed.
●      Coverage: Clothing must cover the body from shoulders to mid-thigh (about 3 inches above the knee). The chest, back, ribs, midriff, underarms, and buttocks must be covered. Undergarments should not be visible. Sagging is not permitted. All shirts must have sleeves.
●      Prohibited Items:
o   Headphones (e.g., Dre-beats), wireless headsets (e.g., Bluetooth) unless for academic purposes with permission.
o   Ripped jeans, leggings, spandex pants, see-through tights or yoga pants worn alone, pajama pants, and skirts with slits more than 3 inches above the knee.
o   Clothing that is see-through, revealing, or displays profanity or symbols related to violence, ethnic/racial slurs, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, sex, illegal gang affiliation, or other illegal activity.
o   Jewelry or accessories that may be used as weapons, including wallet chains, spiked rings, spiked bracelets, oversized belt buckles, and bulky chains.
Emergency Drills
●      Students must follow all procedures and instructions during emergency drills, including fire, tornado, and lockdown drills.
Field Trips
●      Field trips are an extension of classroom learning. Behavior expectations must be met to attend.
●      Volunteers for field trips must complete an application and background check.
●      Students must stay with their group and follow all guidelines during trips. Transportation to and from events will be provided by the school.
Fines and Fees
●      Students are responsible for any fines or fees for lost or damaged school property, including textbooks and library books.
Hall Passes
●      Students must have a hall pass when leaving the classroom during instructional time.
Hallway Behavioral Expectations
●      Walk quietly and on the right side of the hallway. Be respectful of other classes in session.
Medication at School
●      Daily medications should be administered by the school nurse or a trained designee. Parents/guardians must bring medications to school in the original prescription bottle.
●      Non-prescription medications must also be delivered to the school nurse by a parent/guardian with written instructions.
●      Students are not allowed to bring or self-administer medications.
Personal Property
●      Personal items of value should not be brought to school. The school is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged personal property.
●      All students are expected to participate in recess activities unless excused by a doctor's note for health reasons.
●      Recess will be held outdoors unless weather conditions are unsuitable (below 32 degrees or above 90 degrees).
●      Recess guidelines include no major horseplay, appropriate use of playground equipment, and staying within designated areas.
Recording Video, Audio, and Photos
●      Recording of video, audio, or photos during school hours is prohibited unless approved by the administration for educational purposes.
Resolving School Concerns
●      Parents are encouraged to address concerns with their child’s teacher first. If further resolution is needed, contact the school counselor, Family School Liaison, or make an appointment with the administration.
Selling of Merchandise:
●      Sales of merchandise on school property, such as fundraisers or spirit wear, must be approved by school administration. This ensures that all activities align with school policies and do not interfere with the educational environment.
Signs or Posters
●      Posting of signs or posters must be approved by the school administration.
Technology Use
●      Students must follow the district’s technology use policy, using school devices and internet access responsibly and for educational purposes only.
●      Students are responsible for taking care of their textbooks and returning them in good condition.
●      Lost or damaged textbooks may result in fines or replacement costs.
Telephone – Phone Calls
●      The school office will take emergency messages for students. Student use of the telephone is limited to emergencies only. Do not call your child’s mobile phone during school hours.
Tobacco-Free District
●      The school district prohibits the use of tobacco products on all school property and during school activities.
Video Surveillance
●      The school utilizes video surveillance to ensure the safety and security of students and staff.
What to Share at School/Leave Home
●      Items for sharing should be educational or interesting, such as photos, favorite stuffed animals, or vacation items.
●      Toys, radios, games, phones, and other non-educational items should not be brought to school.
●      Only bring the amount of money needed for specific purchases to minimize loss risk.
●      Label personal items such as school supplies, coats, and jackets with the student’s first and last names. The school is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged personal property.