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Attendance Information

Attendance Policy
Regular attendance is crucial for the academic success of all students. Parents and guardians are expected to ensure that their children attend school every day and arrive on time. Absences and tardiness can significantly affect a student's learning experience and overall performance.
Reporting Absences
If a student is unable to attend school due to illness or any other valid reason, parents or guardians should notify the school office as soon as possible. Please call the school office before 9:00 AM on the day of the absence and provide a reason for the absence. If the school is not notified, the absence will be considered unexcused.
Excused Absences
Absences may be excused for the following reasons:
●      Illness or injury
●      Medical or dental appointments (with a doctor's note)
●      Family emergencies
●      Religious observances
●      Other reasons approved by the school administration
Unexcused Absences
Unexcused absences include, but are not limited to:
●      Family vacations during school days
●      Oversleeping
●      Missing the bus
●      Lack of transportation
●      Any other reason not approved by the school administration
Students are expected to arrive at school on time. The school day begins at 7:30 AM. Students who arrive after 7:45 AM must report to the school office for a tardy slip before going to their classroom. Frequent tardiness can disrupt the learning environment and may result in consequences.
Checking Students In and Out
Parents or guardians must sign students in and out at the school office for late arrivals and early departures. Proper identification may be required to ensure student safety.
Address, Phone Number, and Contact Changes
It is essential to keep the school informed of any changes in address, phone numbers, or emergency contact information. Please notify the school office immediately of any updates to ensure the school can contact you in case of an emergency.
Inclement Weather Policy
In case of severe weather conditions, school closures or delays will be announced through local radio and television stations, as well as through the school’s automated notification system. Parents and guardians are encouraged to ensure that their contact information is up to date with the school office to receive timely notifications.
Transportation Changes
If there is a change in a student’s usual transportation routine, parents or guardians must notify the school office in writing or by phone before 1:30 PM. This ensures that the student and staff are aware of the changes and can make necessary arrangements.