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At our school, we are dedicated to providing a well-rounded education that supports the academic, social, and emotional development of every student. Below is an overview of our academic policies and procedures.
Our curriculum is designed to foster continuous growth and development across various subject areas, including:
●      Reading
●      Mathematics
●      Science
●      Social Studies
●      Writing
●      Health/Physical Education
●      Art
●      Music
Assignment and Reassignment to Classrooms
To optimize educational outcomes, students are assigned to classrooms with diverse academic abilities and behavioral characteristics. We consider teacher input and student compatibility when making these assignments. While parent requests for specific teachers are considered, they are not determinative.
If a classroom setting does not meet a student’s learning needs, parents/guardians can request a change by submitting a written request with specific educational justifications. A meeting with the parent, current teacher, and principal will be arranged to discuss concerns and possible solutions. If the issue is not resolved after two weeks, a formal request for a transfer can be made. Documentation of unsuccessful strategies will be required.
●      Homework is assigned to reinforce classroom learning and develop study habits. It may also be used for enrichment purposes. Regular homework helps students build independence and self-reliance in their studies.
Homework Guidelines
●      Homework assignments are determined by the classroom teacher and should be manageable for students. Recommended homework times are as follows:
o   1st Grade:  Up to 10 minutes
o   2nd Grade: Up to 20 minutes
o   3rd Grade:  Up to 30 minutes
o   4th Grade:  Up to 40 minutes
o   5th Grade:  Up to 50 minutes
Progress Reports:
●      Issued eight times a year, with midterm reports provided halfway through each quarter and report cards at the end of each quarter. Report cards are sent home with students, and final report cards are provided on the last day of school.
●      Parents are encouraged to communicate with teachers about student performance.
●      First quarter grades are given to parents at Parent/Teacher conferences. Progress reports are sent home midway through each quarter, and report cards are sent home at the end of each quarter.
●      Academic grades and effort grades are issued for grades Kindergarten through 5th.
Grade Reporting:
●      Academic Grades:
o   M = Meets the standard
o   W = Working towards the standard
o   N = Not meeting the standard
●      Effort Grades:
o   + = Satisfactory
o    = Needs improvement
Grade Retention
●      Students advance to the next grade level based on their ability to meet content standards in language arts and math. Retention may be considered if it is in the student's best educational interest. Parents will be informed prior to any decision on retention. State law requires retention for students reading below a third-grade level if they do not show improvement after remediation efforts. 
Student Support
●      SAFE Team Process: Early intervention strategies are implemented if a student is not meeting academic goals. This includes identifying and addressing specific needs and providing support as necessary.
Student and Parent Portal
●      Parents and students can access the Student Parent Portal to monitor academic progress, check grades, and review assignments. This portal is a valuable tool for staying informed about student performance and school activities.
●      Students must follow the district’s technology use policy, using school devices and internet access responsibly and for educational purposes only.
●      Personal devices, including cell phones, should be turned off and kept in backpacks during the school day.
Textbooks and Supplies: 
●      Textbooks, iPads, and library books are provided by the district. Students are responsible for lost or damaged materials and will be charged for replacement costs.
●      Students should regularly check and maintain their supplies, including pencils and paper.