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Our Families

School-Home Communications
Communication is essential to keep families informed about important events and information at our school. We utilize the following methods to ensure effective communication:
●      Phone Blast/Parent Square/Newsletters: Important information will be delivered to families via phone blasts or newsletters as needed to share events and updates.
●      School Calendar – Yearly: Parents will receive the district calendar at enrollment. Copies are always available at the front office and can be viewed on the district website.
●      District/School Website: Access our school's homepage from the district website for updates and information.
Teacher Communication
●      Parents are provided a list of direct extensions for each teacher. If the teacher is unavailable, leave a voicemail, and they will return the call.
●      In case of an emergency, contact the office, and the message will be relayed to the teacher.
Opportunities for Adult Involvement
Parents and guardians play a crucial role in our community. There are various ways to get involved in your student's educational experience:
●      Academic Events: Participate in curriculum nights, tutoring sessions, and other academic-focused events.
●      Music Programs and Performances: Join us for school concerts and performances.
●      Field Trips: Chaperone field trips (background check required).
●      Special Events: Attend school-wide celebrations, assemblies, and other special events.
Family Involvement Plan
We strive to support and promote the educational growth of each student by encouraging family involvement
●      Meet the Teacher: Start of the school year event.
●      Curriculum Night (Open House): Review curriculum and expectations.
●      Tutoring and Enrichment Programs: After school programs starting in October.
●      Parent/Teacher Conferences: Scheduled in the fall and spring.
●      Quarterly Celebration: Recognize student achievements.
●      Title 1 Information Meetings: Discuss utilization of federal funds.
School Community Involvement
There are numerous opportunities for parents and guardians to engage with the school community:
●      PTO Meetings: Regular meetings to discuss and plan school activities.
●      School Events: Attend concerts, parties, and other community events.
Emergency Information
Keep the school office and classroom teacher updated on any changes to your address, phone numbers, or emergency contacts. This ensures we can contact you or a designee when necessary.
Guardianship and Custody
If both parents are listed on a child’s birth certificate, they are considered legal guardians unless the school receives a legal notarized declaration signed by a judge. Custodial parents/guardians should inform the school of any changes in legal custody and provide documentation. Original documents are required, and the school will make a copy for our records.
Health and Safety
Our school is committed to ensuring the health and safety of all students. In the event your child needs to leave school due to illness or injury, please pick them up as quickly as possible. All medications must be brought to the school nurse by a parent or guardian in the original container with labeling. The school nurse will contact you if your child’s symptoms warrant going home. Contact the school nurse for any additional health-related information or concerns.
Inclement Weather
In the event of inclement weather and school closings or late starts, you will be contacted via a recorded phone message/email. Additional information on school closings can be found by:
●      Watching local news stations for cancellations.
●      Checking the district website or app.
Medication at School
To ensure the safety and proper administration of medication at school, please follow these guidelines:
●      Daily Medication: Administered only by the school nurse or trained designee.
●      Prescription and Non-Prescription Medication: Must be brought to school by a parent or guardian in the original container. Students are not allowed to bring or self-administer medication
Minimizing Disruptions
To help minimize classroom interruptions, please adhere to the following guidelines:
●      Appointments with Teachers: Schedule appointments 24 hours in advance to speak with your student’s teacher during their office hours. An appointment is required to meet with the principal.
●      Preparedness: Ensure your child is well prepared for school each day. Classrooms are not interrupted to deliver homework, lunches, or messages. Items brought to school will be held in the office and delivered by a staff member at an appropriate time.
●      Classroom Treats/Birthday Celebrations: Require teacher approval (notify the teacher 24 hours in advance). Approved snacks will be given to students during recess or lunch. Due to allergies, some snacks may be denied.
●      Balloons: Not permitted for any reason, including birthday celebrations, awards assemblies, and performances. 
Parent/Teacher Conferences
●      Parent-Teacher Conferences are held in October and February to discuss student progress and address any concerns. Staff will make every effort to accommodate parents' schedules. Conferences can be scheduled directly with your child’s teacher.
●      The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is integral to school success, providing support through events, sponsorship, and volunteer opportunities.
Resolving School Concerns
If you have concerns regarding your child’s education, please follow these steps:
  1. Contact the Teacher: Speak with your child's teacher, as they work closely with your student.
  2. School Counselor and Family School Liaison (FSL): If further assistance is needed, contact the school counselor or FSL.
  3. Principal: If the issue remains unresolved, schedule an appointment with the principal through the school office.
Student Achievement Reports
●      Progress Reports: Quarterly mid-term and grade reports for grades 1-6.
●      Achievement Reports: iReady Reading & Math, MAP ELA, Math, and Science for relevant grades.